

Original Datsun Repair Manuals

...written by the Nissan Motor Company specifically for the year and vehicle(s) listed. Official Shop Manuals that the dealers and shop technicians use to diagnose, service and repair your Datsun car or truck including 200SX, 210, 240Z, 260Z, 280Z, 280ZX, 310, 510, 520 Pickup, 521 Pickup, 610, 620 Pickup, 710, 810, 620 and 720 Pickup Trucks, 1200, 1500, 1600, 2000 and B210 vehicles. A must for anyone who insists on Genuine OEM quality parts.

A factory service manual generally covers General Information, Engine Tune-up, Engine Mechanical, Engine Lubrication System, Cooling System, Engine Fuel, Emission Control System, Engine Electrical System, Engine Removal and Installation, Clutch, Manual Transmission, Automatic Transmission, Propeller Shaft and Differential Carrier, Front Axle and Front Suspension, Rear Axle and Rear Suspension, Brake System, Wheel and Tire, Steering System, Engine Control/Fuel and Exhaust Systems, Air Conditioning, Body - Interior and Exterior, Body Electrical System, Wiring Diagrams and more.

A Wiring Diagrams Manual,if one is provided seperately generally covers Connector Repair Procedures, Wiring Harness Overview, Overall Wiring Diagrams, Fuse and Relay Information, Power Distribution, Fuse Details, Ground Distribution, Component Location Charts, Component Location Views, Vehicle Repair Location Charts, Component Testing and more.